Flagging for a new driveway

Trip with Josh; stayed at hotel.
Started out by flagging north property line and removing prior survey ribbons. We then determined where we want new driveway to go, and I went through the woods flagging while Josh was on the trail. It was easy to get lost and lose your bearings in the woods, so I had to keep looking for the property line flags and look for Josh on the walking trail. Josh then did a second pass, making adjustments to flags as he went.
We then went down to the water for a bit, then did some trail work, removing dead standing trees and using them to shore up trails. We went for a hike down the bluff near the north property line.
We broke out the chainsaw to cut up one of the big oak trees downed a few years back by the bulldozer, along with a couple of smaller pines. Josh then split all of the pine, and one oak log... it was hard to split.
We then met with Pat at Hawk Island Excavating; we were able to determine a game-plan for installing the driveway back to the clearing, along with additional clearing. Pat also let me know what to expect when I build, so it got me thinking hard about where I want to place the ultimate cabin and the view that I want there.
Went to have pizza at Rozario's, and then back out to the property to try to have a fire. However, it had rained a bit, so it was all wet. Were tired anyway, so went to the hotel to catch some sleep.
Came out by myself the next morning. Stacked firewood from the night before, and flagged where I want my view from the cabin. This now helps me know where to put a shed, where to put a well, and where to put an initial cabin structure.
We left for home mid-morning. It was a nice trip with my son.