One-nighter with Brad, who was in his element; he loves hacking through the woods looking for things. Here, he has found a deer skull and a mixture of turkey and hawk feathers (in his hat).

Thursday night was food, beer and hiking around. Spent the night at hotel. Friday we went up to the Hatfield Dam to see the kayaking run; the water high due to spring run-off....
Brad cleaned out dead standing trees around the existing camping site either side of the fire lane; we now have an ample supply of fire wood that will last us a while. Thanks, Brad! Also did some GPS work. Set up trail camera. Fished, but no fish there this time. We found a game trail going down the bluff near the North property line, where deer cross the creek. We found another game trail that seemed a bit safer than the one we went down; something to be checked out further later.