Mom got a double ringer and Darin started fire with one strike
Trip up with Lorraine, Molly, Ruth, Dawn and Darin. Did some mowing and more cleaning of driveway. Darin helped me do some work on the outhouse; it is now completed. Had a good time throwing horseshoes, swimming, and watching fireworks in BRF. Laughed harder than I have in a while; probably due to the gummy bear drinks that Molly and Dawn created.
Darin changed the belt on the mower; I think it is dead as that did not fix the issue. Also had a break-down of my chainsaw, so that threw off my plans a bit also as I have two downed trees back at the clearing and wanted to get those cleaned up.
The picture shown is from my mother, who had a double-ringer.
Both Dawn and Darin became members of the Lint-and-Flint club. Darin now holds the record that someone may tie, but will never beat. One strike to produce fire.