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Powerhouse Road to Paddy's Landing
Duration: 30 to 60 Minutes
Difficulty: Beginner
Water Class: less than Class I
8/18/2018 70 CFS
This video shows this leg during low water. 70 cubic feet per second is probably the absolute minimum to paddle this stretch of water. We had many hangups through the rapids and shallow areas, but since most of this leg is quiet water I would still run this again at this flow rate.
Check out the other video to show what this same leg looks like at higher water (220-240 CFS).
6/30/2018 220-240 CFS
This video shows this leg during higher water. 240 cubic feet per second is probably approaching the maximum to paddle this stretch of water. The rapids along and immediately after the island are nice and splashy, followed by quiet water to the take-out.
Check out the other video to show what this same leg looks like at lower water (70 CFS).
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